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Bruce Tucker

meet oscar theaters greatest criticMovies

Meet Oscar, Theater’s Greatest Critic

The Oscar, also known as the Academy Award, is an annual award given to many different people in the film industry including actors, actresses, directors, producers, screenwriters, and many others. These awards are given by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, which is a conglomeration of professionals who judge films based on different criteria. Each year, the Oscars…
Bruce Tucker
October 3, 2012
diy home theater designHome TheaterProduct Reviews

DIY Home Theater Design

Designing and building your own home theater can be a fun process whether you have experience in design and decorating or not. Your imagination, budget constraints and the space available are the only limits when it comes to designing and creating your home theater. The money you spend on your home theater design and the system is often recouped from…
Bruce Tucker
July 5, 2012
theater acoustic ecologyHome TheaterTechnology

Theater Acoustic Ecology

A musician named R. Murray Schafer developed the concept of acoustic ecology. He proposed that we should attempt to hear the natural acoustics around us as a composition of music. It is a major concern that our acoustic ecology is deteriorating. Human created sounds are drowning out the sounds of nature and are affecting wildlife both on land and in…
Bruce Tucker
July 2, 2012
setting up home theater acousticsHome TheaterTechnology

Setting Up Home Theater Acoustics

People try to find different ways to relieve themselves from the daily stresses of life. One of these stress relievers involves cuddling next to a loved one on a couch and watching a movie. A sound system can provide that desired getaway within the privacy of their own home. Some people may want to install a home theater system for…
Bruce Tucker
July 2, 2012
does blu-ray really make a differenceTechnology

Home Theater Solutions: Does Blu-Ray Really Make a Difference?

While there are a number of ways in which people can obtain entertainment, watching a television program, movie, or playing a video game are considered by many individuals to be some of the most popular. Many people rely on the use of a DVD player for their home entertainment. While a DVD player can produce satisfactory results for some, others…
Bruce Tucker
July 1, 2012
entertainment on any budgetMoviesTechnology

Entertainment on Any Budget – Economical Home Entertainment

Many people save the movie-going experience for those special movies that require the big screen to watch. Instead of watching every movie that comes out in the theater—at the theater—many people opt to watch those movies at home. Not every movie made requires the big movie screen unless, of course, the movie has a great plot and lots of special…
Bruce Tucker
June 5, 2012
how to install an home theater systemHome Theater

How to Install a Home Theater System

A home entertainment theater is a perfect place for friends and family to gather and enjoy a great movie at home. Imagine the money saved on movie tickets, drinks, and snacks. It is no secret that movie theater seating can be a little uncomfortable sometimes and a home theater can provide a more comfortable experience. The benefits of a home…
Bruce Tucker
June 5, 2012
william shakespeareHistoryTheater

Theater Inspirations: William Shakespeare

A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE BARD AND HIS LEGACY The mystery behind the 16th century Bard of Avon, William Shakespeare, is just as strong in the 21st century as it was in times past. Much of the mystery is based on the fact there is little biographical or personal history available to rely upon. Though facts surrounding Shakespeare’s birth and…
Bruce Tucker
June 5, 2012
how to design your own staycationOther

How to Design Your Own Staycation

Fluctuating economies have caused a flurry of belt-tightening within personal budgets across the U.S. More and more, households are limiting nonessentials and decreasing leisure costs. A top example is the traditional annual vacation. With rising prices all around, it’s no wonder than even a standard weeklong trip away is becoming increasingly unaffordable for many. In lieu of that, several alternatives…
Bruce Tucker
June 5, 2012
seating for spine healthFurnitureOther

Seating for Spine Health

The spine is a strand of vertebrae that runs from the skull to the lower back, encasing the spinal cord and providing stability and support to the thoracic cavity. Unfortunately, the spine is also considered by experts to be one of the most abused parts of the body. Maintaining good spine health is not only important for the prevention of…
Bruce Tucker
April 10, 2012