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Bruce Tucker

history of film and motion picture theaterMovies

The History of Film and Motion-Picture Theater

A night at the movies has become the standard for first dates and family nights all over the country. Movies allow us to escape our problems and get lost in a world of imagination. Movies can also help to memorialize an important person or event so we never forget the past. Our history is chronicled by the movies made by…
Bruce Tucker
April 15, 2014
most expensive home stereosHome TheaterProduct ReviewsTechnology

Most Expensive Home Stereos

When it comes to home music sound systems, many Americans simply deal with the poor sound quality of a flat screen television, or, if they’re feeling wealthy, spend about $200 on modest improvements. However, there are people in the world – musicians, sound enthusiasts, or perhaps billionaires – willing to spend an exorbitant amount on the most expensive speakers or…
Bruce Tucker
January 10, 2014
history of the symphony orchestraHistory

A History of the Symphony Orchestra

The symphony orchestra is a type of music ensemble that has lasted and evolved throughout centuries. Classical musicians have been studied for years, thanks to their many contributions to the symphony orchestra and music history as a whole. The instrument classes of the orchestra include brass, woodwind, string and percussion. The composition of the orchestra has been largely unchanged throughout…
Bruce Tucker
May 24, 2013
history of opera theaterHistory

A History of Opera Theater

Opera is a form of art that involves singing, drama and heavy scenery. Some opera pieces include dance numbers and entire orchestras. This form of art is respected for its longevity and complexity, as it began toward the latter parts of the 16th century. Its roots trace back to Europe, the country of Italy in particular. The term opera literally…
Bruce Tucker
May 21, 2013
guide to film festivals and movie competitionsMovies

Guide to Film Festivals and Movie Competitions

Since 1932, film festivals have been a major draw for artists and audiences alike. Now, there are hundreds of film festivals around the world, and they range in size from small town productions to major cultural attractions. Emerging filmmakers send their films to whichever festivals their work will qualify for, and festival organizers sift through thousands of screeners to determine…
Bruce Tucker
March 21, 2013
all about ventriloquist theaterTheater

All About Ventriloquism Theater

Ventriloquism is the art of throwing one's voice, or speaking without letting the lips move. It is letting your voice speak through an effigy, or an inanimate object such as a wooden doll or a puppet that you take control of through dialect and movement. When entertaining, the entertaining artist does the talking in reality, but it appears that the…
Bruce Tucker
March 12, 2013
guide to movie censorship and ratingsHistoryMovies

A Guide to Movie Censorship and Ratings

When it comes to today's movie industry, it isn't uncommon to hear the use of profanities or see scenes of violence, drug usage, and even nudity on the big screen - this has not always been acceptable. There has been a long history of controversy and conflict about what should or should not be seen or said in movies. Concerns…
Bruce Tucker
February 21, 2013
a theater guide to little red riding hoodTheater

A Theater Guide To Little Red Riding Hood

A CLOSE LOOK AT THE CLASSIC STORY & IT'S VARIATIONS The story of Little Red Riding Hood is a classic fairy tale for children. In fact, it has been popular for a very long time. The earliest version of the story was recorded as far back as the 10th century in France! Over the years, Little Red Riding Hood was…
Bruce Tucker
January 25, 2013
choosing the best home theater reclinerHome TheaterProduct Reviews

Choosing the Best Home Theater Recliner

Now that you have made the choice to enhance your in-home viewing experience with one or more home theater recliners, you need to make some new decisions. Do you want luxurious leather or durable microfiber upholstery? Do you want options like a Buttkicker, power recline or lighted cup holders? Before you give up and go back to sitting on your…
Bruce Tucker
December 1, 2012
advancements in home entertainmentHome TheaterTechnology

Bringing Entertainment Closer to Home Advancements in Home Entertainment

Home entertainment has seen significant advancements in the last decade. From the advent of high-definition television (HDTV), Blu-ray Disc (BD), home theater in-a-box, DVD recorders, TiVO and DVRs, HDMI, the digital projector, network media players and extenders, home media servers, DTV, LED, and tactile motion control. Each advancement has contributed to a more easy-going and entertaining home theater room experience.…
Bruce Tucker
October 13, 2012