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Carina Jaramillo

crafts you can do at homeOther

Crafts You Can Do at Home

With multiple options for crafting at home, individuals with a little creativity can complete hundreds of different projects. The first step is always gathering up the necessary materials and deciding what type of craft to complete. From there, the possibilities are endless. Both quilting and knitting are used to make everything from blankets to clothing, scarves and potholders. Jewelry making…
Carina Jaramillo
July 26, 2013
mythology in the theaterHistory

Mythology in the Theater

The origin of theater remains shrouded in secrecy. Archaeologists have uncovered sparse information regarding the origin of theater. The little information uncovered comes from ancient artifacts, wall paintings, decorations, and hieroglyphics. All of these ancient recordings tell of successful hunts, life cycles, seasonal changes, and myths about the gods. These historical findings explain how ancient peoples passed along their experiences…
Carina Jaramillo
June 21, 2013
piano in the theaterLearn

Piano in the Theater

One of the most popular musical instruments that delivers the perfect sound associated with classical and jazz music is the piano. This instrument comes with a keyboard, pedals, padded hammers and strings that produce pleasing musical notes when tapping the keys on the keyboard. The piano is actually a keyboard instrument and the musical sounds come from the strings and…
Carina Jaramillo
May 21, 2013
gladiatorial gamesHistory

Ancient Roman Entertainment: Gladiatorial Games

Although historians are not sure why exactly gladiator games began in Ancient Rome, they do believe that it was likely related to funeral services. Originally the gladiator games were probably carried out as a tribute to the recently dead person. Gradually that connection must have been lost and it became a standard part of the culture's entertainment. We know that at least…
Carina Jaramillo
March 7, 2013
guide to japanese theaterTheater

Your Guide to Japanese Theater

The dramatic arts in Japanese culture have developed through the years into many different genres. The variations in approaches can be attributed to the unique culture that each style was formed in, and the audiences that viewed and supported them. Modern Japanese theater can be traced back to Noh, but it also has roots in Kabuki and Bunraku. Japanese theater…
Carina Jaramillo
January 4, 2013
a guide to ballet theaterTheater

A Guide to Ballet Theater

The seemingly effortless grace and elegance of ballet dancers, coupled with the ethereal costumes, have long provided a breath-taking form of entertainment for the public. Ballet has been around for much longer than most of us realize. It originated in Italy during the Renaissance period. There, the earliest forms of ballet were practiced in the royal courts, as a form…
Carina Jaramillo
November 30, 2012
3d entertainment will have you jumpingMoviesTechnology

3D Entertainment Will Have You Jumping Out of Your Theater Seat

When the movie Avatar hit the movie screens in December of 2009 and became the single largest grossing film of all time, theater seats quickly filled up and generated over $2 billion in ticket sales. After the phenomenal success of Avatar, with its computer-generated graphics and 3D imaging, other filmmakers once again embraced 3D technology. But 3D technology isn't new—far…
Carina Jaramillo
June 5, 2012
designing you home theaterHome TheaterTechnology

Designing Your Home Theater

Three-quarters of all adults would rather watch a movie at home than in a theater, according to a recent study by the Pew Research Group. Today's home theaters range from a simple flat-screen and some recliners to elaborate, custom-designed theaters like the $6,000,000 one that Jeremy Kipnis of Kipnis Studios designed and built for himself. While you may not have…
Carina Jaramillo
May 31, 2012
the life and works of ed woodHistoryMovies

Theater: The Life and Works of Ed Wood

Throughout history there have been many film directors that have been celebrated for the high-quality of their work. Directors such as Alfred Hitchcock, Stanley Kubrick and Steven Spielberg are among those considered the greatest film directors of all-time. However, on the opposite end of the scale, there is a director who is “celebrated” for the low-quality of his work. That…
Carina Jaramillo
April 2, 2012
the theater organ then and nowTheater

The Theater Organ: Then and Now

One of the lesser-known musical instruments is the theater organ, a massive instrument consisting of pipes, keyboards, and pedals. The pipes are sold in sets called ranks, with each set of pipes producing similar pitches and timbres. It took thousands of years to develop this instrument, as inventors faced the challenge of having to pressurize air and force it through…
Carina Jaramillo
January 4, 2012