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Carina Jaramillo

its time for muppet theaterTheater

It’s Time For Muppet Theater!

Remember Kermit the Frog and Miss Piggy's love affair? How about Fozzie Bear and his joke-telling? There is a resurgence of Muppet theater lately thanks to the recent release of a new Muppet movie aptly titled, “The Muppets.” Kermit, Miss Piggy and all the other Muppet characters are an example of puppetry. Puppetry is the act of giving inanimate objects…
Carina Jaramillo
December 13, 2011

An Annotated History of the Vaudeville Theater

Theater in the United States has long been one of the most popular and ever-evolving entertainment sectors. Considering it from the earliest beginnings to today’s Broadway spectacles, the theater is an exceedingly important part of people’s lives—from authors and actors to audience members and enthusiasts. We might be familiar with the earliest origins of theater, including the amphitheaters of the…
Carina Jaramillo
October 11, 2011
gladiatorial gamesOther

Theater or Theatre? Differences Between US and British English

Although American English originated from British English, even a casual observer would be able to tell that there is a world of difference between the two dialects today. British English first spread in the West when Britain started to colonize parts of America in the early 1600s. Over the next few centuries, the language gradually evolved to accommodate local differences…
Carina Jaramillo
July 13, 2011
fairy tale resourcesOther

Fairy Tale Resources for Every Toddler, Kid and Adult

Fairy tales, a type of short narrative featuring folkloric icons, including gnomes, tolls, elves, goblins, witches, magic, and other forms of enchantment, generally present a belief in supernatural phenomena and may herald underlying moral lessons. Fairy tales also carry a connotation of happiness, especially when addressed in a romantic context. Depending on the geographical origin, some fairy tales merge into…
Carina Jaramillo
May 25, 2011
palliser comparison chartHome TheaterProduct Reviews

Palliser Product Comparison Chart

With so many choices, it can be difficult to pinpoint the right Palliser home theater seats to fit your needs. Fortunately, this theater seating review and product comparison gives you all of Palliser's home theater seating products at a glance. Palliser model differences vary between different seats and cover the gamut from wall hugging designs to bucket style seating. Whether…
Carina Jaramillo
April 2, 2011
broadway and west end theater ticketsTheater

The Best Deals on Broadway and West End Theater Tickets

London’s West End and Manhattan’s Broadway turn over roughly $1bn in annual ticket sales each, and this figure has grown over the last two decades. Clearly, the appeal of a night out to see a professional show isn’t set to wane any time soon. Some go to the theater more often than they do the cinema, while for others it’s…
Carina Jaramillo
December 4, 2010
all about 3d home theaterHome TheaterTechnology

All about 3D in Home Theater

When Avatar exploded the screens last year, the box office smash took $2.7bn worldwide and became the highest-grossing movie ever and by a gigantic margin. Not only was James Cameron’s visual extravaganza a financial success, but it heralded a new era in 3D technology (and while it certainly wasn’t the first 3D movie, it was the behemoth that really made…
Carina Jaramillo
November 25, 2010
the cost of going to the moviesFilm & TVMovies

The Cost of Going to the Movies

We all tend to enjoy going to the cinema, and watching our favorite films on a great big screen. But with the costs soaring, could it be worthwhile investment indulging yourself in a home theater? We take a look at how the prices compare... Home Theater Seating How Much Do Recliners Sell For Reclining Theater Seating Theater Style Seating Recliners…
Carina Jaramillo
June 22, 2010
truly unethical furniture and moreFurniture

Truly Unethical Furniture and More

Where do you draw the line as to how much of an animal should be used for our gain? That doesn't just mean what we eat – but what we wear and even what we sit on. We as human beings have had a history of hunting for our own needs, wants and gains – many have conflicting ideas about…
Carina Jaramillo
June 21, 2010
movie franchises the refuse to dieFilm & TVMovies

Movie Franchises That Refuse to Die

Be it through lack of fresh ideas or trying to cash in on nostalgia, the last few years have seen a number of critically panned movie sequels and remakes grace our screens. Many titles are simply unoriginal rehashes with the lead role recast with a popular face, and deservedly flop at the box office. Others breathe new life into a…
Carina Jaramillo
May 18, 2010