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A Guide to Irish Dance Performances

By December 28, 2019January 27th, 2023History, Theater

to Irish

Irish dancing refers to a group of traditional forms of folk dancing, which originated in Ireland over several centuries.

Different forms of Irish dancing are primarily danced either as social dances or performance dances, though sometimes this distinction is also blurred.

With rising global interest in traditional Irish dancing, the form itself has enjoyed a renaissance as well as significant cross-pollination with other dancing styles.


Iris Dance


An ancient part of Irish culture.

Irish dancing forms an ancient part of Irish culture. Like many forms of folk dance, it can be divided into numerous regional and historical styles.

Like many forms of folk dance, it can be divided into numerous regional and historical styles. Given England’s role in Irish history as an imperial ruling force, Irish dancing also has a history as an underground art form.

During the late 1800s, Irish traditional dancing was banned along with other regional cultural activities. Nonetheless, the Irish people continued to hold dances in secret. In the early 20th century, the tradition was revived among a wider public.

the later 20th century and 21st century,

Throughout the later 20th century and 21st century, traditional Irish dancing has earned greater popularity throughout the world, leading to an increasing profusion of styles and fusion dance styles mixed with other forms of world dance.

Types of Dances


In broad strokes, Irish dancing has made a transition from a relatively subtle, “grounded” form of dancing to the flashier variations popularized through productions such as Riverdance or Lord of the Dance.

Traditional Irish Dance Forms

More specifically, traditional Irish dance forms include :


In set dancing, the two primary variations are soft shoe and hard shoe.


The former, soft shoe dancing, is primarily performed by women. Step dancing grew out of the period of suppression of traditional Irish culture.


Ceili dancing may include round dances, line dances, and progressive line dances and may also simply refer to a social gathering that involves traditional Irish dance.

At this time, dance masters would perform and teach secretly, elaborating various “sets” of movements, each set corresponding to eight bars of music.


iris dance

Shoes and Costumes

Type of shoe worn is directly related to which of the two forms the dancers practice.

The shoes and costumes used in Irish dancing vary depending on the style of dance and the historical time period. In set dancing, the type of shoe worn is directly related to which of the two forms the dancers practice.

Hard shoe set dancing relies on the hard sole of the shoe, much like a character shoe, which creates a distinctive sound against the floor.

Soft Shoe Set Dancing

By contrast, in soft shoe set dancing, the dancer does not come in percussive contact with the floor. In fact, a well-performed soft shoe dance gives an ethereal, almost floating impression to the dancer’s movements.

Many more traditional dancers and dance schools use highly elaborate embroidered costuming, inspired by modern conceptions of ancient Irish culture.

However, for many centuries, the appropriate attire was simply one’s finest outfit, or “church clothes.” Braided hair is common among women, as are curled wigs.

Braided hair
Braided hair

iris dance


Irish Dancing Festivals and Competitions

Irish dancing festivals and competitions now exist throughout the world, often as a part of Irish heritage cultural festivals. During the period of English rule, the masters of step dancing would sometimes compete at informal and secret events.

Traditional Gaelic cultural events, also known as fèis (pronounced “fesh”), are now a common occasion for Irish dancing competitions, as well as storytelling, musical performances and culinary displays.

These modern fèis are based on ancient Irish traditions in which townspeople would gather together in local festivals at certain points throughout the year.

All countries with significant Irish-born populations

While feiseanna (the plural form of fèis) are primarily held in Ireland, Northern Ireland, and Scotland, there are also major events in all countries with significant Irish-born populations,


Including England, Wales, South Africa, the United States, Canada, and beyond.